Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Sock Monkey Party - Activities

Emily's first birthday party had a larger attendance of adults than children, so most of activities were things that all ages could enjoy. The front table had Dr. Seuss's "Happy Birthday to You" book and a sign requesting all guests to write a message for the birthday girl. I think she will enjoy that when she is older. 

The sign says: "Thanks for coming and have some fun, please sign the birthday book before you run!"

On the other side of the birthday book were some sock monkey tattoos I got at Birthday Express. I also put a damp cloth out so people could put the tattoos on. These were inexpensive but fun!

Also: The UT Co-op has everything.

This was one of my favorite stations: The "Who Looks More Like Emily" game. We enlarged and printed two pictures, one of my husband at around 1, and one of me at the same age. Then we attached them to a dry erase board and people voted. He won, as I knew he would. I was surprised by how many votes I actually got!

We also had a photo booth set up, and I made these photo booth props that looked like sock monkey hats and mouths to use in the booth. I used craft foam board and dowels to make them. 

And that is IT for the sock monkey party! It all turned out pretty well, but I was good and exhausted afterwards!

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