Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Sock Monkey Decorations #2

I made some hanging flower decorations for over the dessert table. These were so easy, inexpensive, and super cute! I used a pack of wiffle balls from the dollar store and some dollar store fake flowers. I pulled the flowers off their stems and used a hot glue gun to glue them into the holes of the wiffle ball. Then I strung them on some curling ribbon and hung them from the chandelier. I think they cost me about $7, and look how pretty they look!

I didn't get any pictures of the food table (for which I blame my husband, who was given express instructions to take pictures of everything. Apparently he didn't think I meant the food!) Our menu attempted to play on the monkey theme while also providing things people could actually eat, since the party was at noon. We had "Monkey Burgers and Monkey Tails" (hamburgers and hot dogs), "Monkey Pasta" (pasta salad), red jalapeno jelly on cream cheese with crackers, fruit skewers of strawberries and blueberries with yogurt dip, chips and salsa, chocolate dipped bananas, and banana pudding. 

I did get pictures of the drink table, where we had an assortment of sodas and "Monkey Juice", which was 7-Up and Hawaiian punch. A sock monkey helpfully held up the punch bowl. 

This was taken after the party, thus the punch bowl is almost empty. 
Even the straws were decorated. Easy and festive!

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